Wednesday 21 May 2014

Total cost of our garden!

We are now finished with designing our garden project. We had great fun over the last few weeks getting all of our ideas and plans organized and finally creating our photostory. Now we are waiting for the results to be announced! It will be very hard for our school to choose a winning team, as every group has come up with brilliant ideas and have worked very hard. Mr. Curtin asked us to add up the total cost of our garden and it is 5975.62. This price includes all of the flowers, insects, the underground water sprinkler system which we were hesitant to put in due to its cost, all of the soil, fences, paint and all the other garden practicalities.   

Monday 19 May 2014

The finished photostory!

Our garden group managed to get our final photostory finished last Friday. We spend a lot of time and effort with this photostory. During this week, or early next week we will be presenting our photostory's to our school principal, and other members of our school community. We hope you enjoy our photostory! 

Friday 16 May 2014

Lots of ICT tools

Mr. Curtin asked us to use as many ICT tools as we wanted to help bring our presentation to life. We recorded sound and enjoyed taking photographs for our blog. Here are some of the fun tools we used!

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Working on our final presentation!

This week all of the groups are very busy getting their final presentation ready! We need to have our photostory finished by Friday so that our principal can pick the winning team! All of our groups planned out their photostory on a A3 piece of paper. We are now in the making of our final photostory!:) Best of luck to all 5 groups:)

Recycling rain water ?!

As we all know, unfortunately water rates are coming in next year! Our school will be trying their best to not waste any water. We are very lucky that Kevin's dad actually has a company where they set up a system which recycles the rain water from your roof! Check out the leaflet down below!:) 


Tuesday 13 May 2014

Today in our computer room all of us have been drawing, sketching, making games and planning out the layout of our school garden. Here are some pictures of our work!

Monday 12 May 2014

The nappy experiment!

Today in school Mr. Curtin picked a few people to help him try out the nappy experiment. The first thing we did was we filled a nappy with water. After the nappy had absorbed all the water we ripped the nappy open. Inside the nappy is a thing called Hydrogels. Hydrogel looks very like snow or crystals. We then began to empty all the hydrogel into a small container.

Once all the hydrogel had been emptied into the containers we brought them down to the staffroom where we put them in the fridge for an hour.

After an hour, Mr.Curtin picked 9 people who would plant suttons. We were put in pairs and each pair got two pots. In one pot we mixed the soil with the hydrogel and planted the seeds. The hydrogel helps the plant last longer with less watering. In the other pot we put small pieces of cut up banana skin around the top of the soil. We then planted some more seeds in that pot. Now we are going to keep and eye on the pot and see which works better the hydrogel or the homemade banana fertilizer! We will keep you updated with our results:)